Why make this website?

In the age of platforms like Facebook and Twitter, why would anyone bother making a blog website? I mean if big tech does all the difficult backend infrastructure and frontend UI work for you for free so that all you need to do is upload whatever nonsense spews out of your brain that gets eyeballs and clicks so they can serve up ads, why would anyone go though the process of doing all of this themselves just to make content that nobody will ever read because they are too busy dopamine scrolling YouTube and TikTok?

In the case of this website, I have no intention of running ads or selling anything or even tracking engagement whatsoever. I could make this headline read something clickbaity like “Google doesn’t want you to know about this…blah blah blah” and it might get more clicks but for someone like me who doesn’t care at all about advertising dollars and who is under no illusion that anyone will or should even care about what he has to say in the vast abyss that is the internet…again…why make this website?

All I come up with is that it is not for you.